On MSNBC's morning show "UP," hosted by Chris Hayes, a panel discussed the current plague of political Superpacs and the possibility of getting big money out of politics, either by overturning Citizens United via constitutional amendment or by legislating public funding for political campaigns. Included on the panel was Jack Abramoff--disgraced lobbyist, convicted felon, current author and book peddler; Mr. Abramoff made an impassioned objection that conservatives would resist public campaign financing because it would go against the principles of "Jeffersonian democracy."
Let me repeat: Jack Abramoff publicly and passionately declaimed about "Jeffersonian democracy".
Stay tuned for the Pope's defense of Roe v. Wade, and Newt Gingrich on the virtue of humility...
You're right; a stretch in a Baltimore pizzeria can turn a man's life around. And yes, Abramoff was talking about (as you said) "some other bad actors" and not numbering himself among them. Why is it so hard for me to forgive and forget? Perhaps it's because of the disrepute into which Abramoff has brought the name "Jack"...
Posted by: Jack Shifflett | 01/16/2012 at 05:28 PM
Lighten up. The man has served his time in prison and in a Baltimore pizzeria. Certainly that experience would make one a disciple of Jeffersonian Democracy. Keep in mind, he was talking about some other bad actors, not the reformed pillar of the community and success story of prison rehabilitation he now claims to be.
Posted by: Mike Kincaid | 01/16/2012 at 04:57 PM