Okay, these quotes aren't really random; they are culled from Media Matters website, which does us the service of keeping an eye (and an ear) on what the right-wing folks are up to. So here's a sample:
Reverend Pat Robertson, on the related topics of global warming and the human influence on climate: "How many SUV's are there on Mars?" (Click "Like" if you'd like to send Rev. Robertson to Mars to find out.)
Rush Limbaugh, discussing President Obama's call for legislation to reign in oil speculators: "It makes me wonder whether he will go Hugo Chavez on big oil." By which Rush apparently means, will the President nationalize the oil companies? No, Rush, he won't. (Click "Like" if you think Rush Limbaugh is a biohazard who should be regulated by the EPA rather than the FCC.)
Todd Starnes (Fox News) asks, apropos of nothing, "Could you imagine Debbie Wasserman Schulz* as your Hooters waitress?" (Click "Like" if you'd like to send Mr. Starnes to the Hooters on Mars to find out.)
Bill O'Reilly, Fox News' number one guy: "Fox is not trying to get anyone elected in my opinion." (Click like if you think Mr. O' Reilly is so divorced from reality that he might as well have been living on Mars, or if you think he's just a lying pinhead.)
Thanks to the tireless folks at Media Matters--their work is never done. Eternal vigilance is the price of living in a country with well-funded and shameless right-wing media.
ADDENDUM: Ted Nugent said a bunch of idiotic and objectionable stuff lately too. But there's no point in dwelling on that, much less in reprinting any of his ravings. (Click "Like" if you think that Ted Nugent is proof that high-decibel rock music can cause brain damage.)
*Democrat from Florida and head of the Democratic National Committee.
Jack: Newt was recently bitten by a penguin while visting a zoo on his book tour/campaign. I have been told that there are no penguins on Mars or the Moon. Mars does have a ice cap and the dark side of the moon is cold, but Bernadette Devlin told me there are no penguins. This was during the baked Alaska dessert course and naturally the conversation turned to politics. Mike
Posted by: Mike Kincaid | 04/19/2012 at 01:52 PM
Mike--I am unclear about, and somewhat confused by, the "pesty penguin" reference (and is "biting him on any of his colonies" some sort of euphemism?). I'd ask you to clarify, but I'm afraid my request would provoke some sort of story, possibly involving Bernadette Devlin. Let's just agree to disagree.
Posted by: Jack Shifflett | 04/18/2012 at 05:07 PM
Mars is getting crowded. Newt should change his plans from a Moon colony to a Mars colony. At least Newt would not have pesty penguins biting him on any of his colonies. Mike
Posted by: Mike Kincaid | 04/18/2012 at 02:57 PM