I was looking for an appropriate image to put on my blog for Thanksgiving--and I happened across this absolutely hilarious 2009 cartoon from the absolutely hilarious website HopeNChangeCartoons.com. See, Obamacare is gonna kill off granny, and the kids couldn't be happier! I tell you, it brings back fond memories of my own childhood...
On second thought, though, I think I'll keep looking for a Thanksgiving image that's not quite so hilarious: I don't know, maybe something that shows a person receiving medical care that they previously couldn't get because they didn't have insurance. That won't get near as many laughs as the absolutely hilarious Stilton Jarlsberg1 cartoon, but it might be more in the spirit of the occasion.
1 I'm guessing that "Stilton Jarlsberg" is either a pseudonym or a relative of Reince Priebus.
Criticism is easy; blogging is hard. This particular post, as you can see, arose from a sincere effort on my part to avoid politics and find a suitable Thanksgiving image; can I help it if my search led me, unintentionally, to an absolutely hilarious cartoon? And I think my two Benghazi posts should only count as one, especially since the second was a hideous parody of "Ohio". Feel free to send suggestions for other, non-political topics; I'm thinking of writing about the current sad state of drivers' education in Montana--anything you'd like to contribute?
Posted by: Jack Shifflett | 11/20/2012 at 11:24 AM
I am glad to see that since 11/16/12 you have 5 political blogs. Well so much for holding back. Eggnog for everyone. Mike
Posted by: Mike Kincaid | 11/20/2012 at 10:26 AM