This particular bit of news is a month old, but still relevant. From The Onion (October 16):
WASHINGTON—According to a new report published Wednesday by the Pew Research Center, you live in a deeply embarrassing and barely functional country. “Our latest research and statistical analysis shows that you are currently the citizen of an objectively humiliating nation wreathed in a miasma of pettiness, sloth, rank stupidity, and failure,” the report read in part, adding that this—this goddamned disgrace of a culture and system of government, if that’s what you call whatever the hell this is—is where you live, where you are from, and where you will likely die. “Decline and dysfunction are currently the first things people across the world think of when they hear the name of your place of origin, and, by association, these are the first words that would come to mind when they think of you as well.” The report concluded that there isn’t a whole hell of a lot you can do about it either. 1
I realize this doesn't actually come as "news" to anyone who's been paying attention over the past decade or so, but believe it or not, some people still haven't caught on; they think America remains the bright shining city on a hill, the envy of all the world, or some other jingoistic nonsense. I particularly appreciate that the Pew Report concluded on such a fatalistic note; there's really no point trying to change things for the better, and our only solace from here on will be booze, promiscuous (but consensual) sex, and legalized marijuana.
Sounds like a plan to me; heck, it sounds like a campaign platform.
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