{Lest we forget: before “Woke” and “Cancel Culture” there was “Political Correctness,” and before “Cultural Marxism” there was the frightening specter of “Secular Humanism”. American conservatives have felt under siege since FDR, if not before (Woodrow Wilson, income tax, the Federal Reserve, suffragism, etc.); to their credit, they have always come up with clever phrases to caricature and to demonize their opponents. Let us briefly revisit the great Secular Humanism Scare of the Reagan era.}
“Friend, either you're closing your eyes to a situation you do not wish to acknowledge, or you are not aware of the caliber of disaster indicated by the presence of a pool table in your community.” (“Ya Got Trouble,” from The Music Man)
Homer Duncan, from Secular Humanism: The Most Dangerous Religion in America (1979):
The conditions that brought about the fall of the Roman Empire are being reenacted. The goals that the Communists have set for our destruction are being fulfilled. We witness in dismay the decline in moral values. Corruption in politics and business is the order of the day. People are making plans for the coming economic crash. It seems inevitable. We often wonder how much longer our country can hold together under present conditions. Mr. Harry Conn, a noted engineer, has written, “It would appear we are presently witnessing the dissolution of the West. This dissolution is political, but in even more basic terms, it’s moral deterioration.” Harvard law professor Harold J. Berman has written, “Our whole culture seems to be facing the possibility of a kind of nervous breakdown.”
Dr. Francis Schaeffer writes:
“We are on the verge of the largest revolution the world has ever seen—the control and shaping of men through genetic engineering and chemical and psychological conditioning. Will people accept it? I don’t think they would if they had not already been taught to accept the propositions that lead to it, and if they were not already in despair.”
Every thinking person knows that we are losing more and more of our freedom every day. The noose is being tightened around our neck. America is like a runaway train on a downhill grade, and now Secular Humanism is destroying the braking system. We are already on fire; Secular Humanism is pouring gasoline on it.
Humanism is the religion which deifies man and dethrones God. Its avowed aim is to replace theism with humanism. “Humanists do not believe in God and, of course, they do not believe in salvation or damnation. They believe in the theory of evolution, which is often taught as a fact in schools and textbooks. Humanists believe that everyone has a right to full sexual freedom, and a right to determine the values and goals that affect their lives. They do not live by or believe in absolute standards of morality. They believe everyone has a right to maximum individual autonomy, meaning the right of each to do his own thing, whatever it may be.”
Humanists believe in the supremacy of human reason and in the inevitability of progress. However, because man is not progressing as rapidly as the Secular Humanists would desire, many have opted for forced progress and manipulative environmental control. A logical conclusion of Secular Humanism is also the State’s domination of the education system. Totalitarianism, therefore, could very well be the result of Secular Humanism.
Another tenet of Secular Humanism is the belief in science as the guide to progress and the provider of an alternative to both religion and morals. Therefore, science itself assumes a religious character, which can pose an equally frightening threat of totalitarianism. Secular Humanism has developed a ‘scientific theology’ that has evolved from a description of concrete objects and events to a study of relationships observable in complex systems. State technology has become more closely aligned with science and its goals. Many scientists have even suggested that State technology and money be used to genetically manipulate the citizenry.
Secular Humanism promulgates the idea that Man’s future and salvation are in Man’s hands, and that Man, not God, controls the destiny of the human race. If Man is master of his own destiny, he can create his own system of absolutes. Therefore, the Humanist cannot logically criticize the monstrosities perpetrated upon mankind by Hitler and Stalin, because each individual is absolute and the judge of his own actions.
FYI, Duncan’s book included an introduction from Senator Jesse Helms:
When the U.S. Supreme Court prohibited children from participating in voluntary prayers in public schools, it also established a national religion in the United States—the religion of secular humanism. Since that time, our schools have been increasingly plagued with vandalism, crime, violence, drug abuse, and promiscuity; and academic standards and achievements have been falling sharply year by year. Sadly, our schools have reflected the disruption and discord of our society as a whole. As our nation faces the challenges of the 1980s, it is time to recognize the obvious: America has been ignoring its spiritual and moral heritage, and that is the road to disaster.
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