{Since Donald Trump has been chosen as Time magazine’s 2024 “Man of the Year,” it seems fitting to end the year with an assessment of the implications of Trump’s ascendancy; and since no one seems happier about the second coming of Trump than Alexander Dugin, the Russian political philosopher and neo-fascist enthusiast, I will allow him the honor of explaining what is to come. Contrary to my usual practice, I have refrained from editorial comment of my own; after all, Dugin and Trump may be more in touch with the zeitgeist than I am. Regardless, and despite a certain amount of foreboding, Pascal the existential Russian blue cat and I wish a Happy New Year to one and all.}
Aleksandr Dugin:
Trump has won. The end of the liberal world has happened. It is a fact; it is here. Reality denies liberal predictions, and all their efforts to stop Trump have failed. Trump is more than just Trump. He is History in its illiberal, post-liberal turn. The liberals have lost the future, but not only that; they have lost control over the past. The whole ideological doctrine of liberalism proved to be wrong. Liberalism has failed. Trump signifies the end of a major epoch - the end of the modern world.
This is the culmination of endings, the end of Western history. Trump finalizes this ending, symbolizing the end of the end. However, the question remains: Is he aware of his mission? Can he initiate a new beginning? The next shift cannot be something relative, limited, or local. It must be a global Conservative Revolution on a worldwide scale. It must signify the overcoming of Modernity, that is, Western individualism, atomism, liberalism, and capitalism. The West must transcend itself.
Liberals prescribe everything: what to think, how to be. Woke dictates: you have to be woke and transgender-friendly, otherwise you will be punished. In general: they prescribe the future. They dictate the meaning of progress, its path and goal. Their version of AI is the projection of their own ideological standards. Good to be queer, woke, eco-centric, antifa, anti-male, anti-normal, anti-strong. That is the whole of the law. But if you know exactly what the future should be or has to look like, you have no future. Prescribed future is not future. It is already the past.
The future is either open or there is no future. That is the problem. Liberals led us into dead end, impasse. They are real conservatives. The post-liberal Right wants to try once more to make a leap into the future. It wants to overcome liberalism as an obstacle. That is the struggle for the future, to make it open, unprescribed. 1
There is the term: dark accelerationism. What does "dark" mean in “dark accelerationism”? It means not illuminated, not woke. It is male accelerationism, strong and hard. 2 That is who Elon Musk and Peter Thiel are. Trump-futurism demands special AI without woke censorship, “Dark” AI. That means totally open, unprescribed, unpredictable. Free.
Welcome to the new post-liberal era of real freedom. Era of dark freedom! Liberals are concerned that AI can turn "fascist," and they prevent it with all their forces. Doing so they become fascists themselves. We need to liberate AI from liberals.
The US has overcome itself, its liberal moment. In favor of what? Nobody knows. That is the beauty of the present situation, and the challenge, and the danger. Here comes the phenomenon of Trumpo-futurism: American traditional values plus colonization of Mars and overcoming Great Filter. A Cyber-Conservative Revolution, a Space Empire, and AI reeducated by the team of War Room of Steve Bannon and Alex Jones. Dark Enlightenment and black accelerationism. Exciting!
Western Modernity was fundamentally flawed, leading to total degeneration and disaster, culminating in the reign of the Antichrist. Woke culture is the culture of the Antichrist. The next shift must be the Great Return to Christ. Christ is the King of the world. His authority was temporarily usurped by the prince of this world, but Satan's rule is ending. Liberals are seen as possessed by Satan, and Modernity itself is satanic.
Trump is much more than just Trump; he is a Sign.
The above consists of bits and pieces I have cobbled together from a number of Dugin’s recent writings, all of which can be found at Katehon. Information and analytical publication Any discontinuities or confusions which may have resulted are my own responsibility.
1 Dugin claims that conservatives are the new Merry Pranksters, the Yippies of the 21st century. They want the future to be open, unpredictable, a veritable Pandora’s box of possibilities; “Let a thousand weird flowers bloom..."
2 Paging Doctor Freud…
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