{Pascal the existential Russian blue cat occasionally receives queries from readers on subjects that have piqued their interest. While habitually ignoring such queries, Pascal now and then deigns to respond. Just don’t expect it of him too often.}
“Dear Mister Pascal the Cat,
“How are you? Fine, I hope, and I am too, thank you for asking. Recently I heard Charlie Kirk say that ‘Kamala Harris wants to see the elimination of the United States of America.’ Kirk insists Harris and the Democrats are ‘communists who hate America and are going to do things to destroy the country.’ Is Kamala Harris really a communist? Where does Charlie Kirk get his information? (signed) A Very Concerned Swing Voter.”
Is Kamala (pronounced “Ka-ma-blah”) a Communist? She is a member of the Democrat Party, QED, she is a Communist. Why are we even discussing this? Every Democrat since 1932 has been a Communist. Democrat policies—Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, Obamacare, daycare, school lunch programs, Obamaphones—were all designed and endorsed by Karl Marx, the Fiend himself. For confirmation, let us turn to a Trusted Source—in this case, the once and future POTUS, Sir Trump. “Biden,” Sir Trump has explained, “together with a band of his closest thugs, misfits, and Marxists, tried to destroy American democracy. If the communists get away with this, it won’t stop with me.” 1
They’re all Communists, Swing Voter. As Stephen Miller observes of Tim Walz, the Democrats’ pick for Vice-President, “This man—they call him Tampon Tim -- is a full-blown, radical left communist. He is left of Bernie Sanders. He is left of Rachel Maddow. He is left of Ilhan Omar. He is left of AOC.” Walz, says Miller, will introduce “socialist communist economic policies,” as he has already done in Minnesota (new state motto: Property Is Theft!). 2
Chiming in on the unmasking of Tim Walz is Rob Schmitt of Newsmax:
“Tim Walz is a communist who doesn't know anything about history. Tim Walz, the former high school history teacher, is the snake that turns your 15-year-old into a communist.” 3
Pierre Polievre is the leader of Canada’s Conservative Party, and he, too, knows a Communist when he sees on, such as Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau:
The latest image shared by Poilievre depicts a cycle with a series of arrows in a circle, starting with “rob or kill the successful,” followed by “force the rest to work for free,” then “run out of food,” “starve to death,” “say it wasn’t ‘real’ communism,” and finally, “establish a new communist utopia.” 4
There are, of course, those who disagree. “Invoking Marx in relation to [liberals] is silly to say the least. It betrays a conservative childishness and a simplistic understanding of both liberalism and communism.” But they would say that, wouldn’t they? The first rule of Marxism is, we do not talk about Marxism. But that subterfuge no longer fools anyone. As the experts on communism at Hillsdale College point out, “Cultural Marxism is destroying American society. It has led to the rise of racial tensions, radical feminism, transgender ideology, open borders, fiscal irresponsibility, the unequal protection of the laws, and the loss of our basic rights. The effects of Marx’s ideas have already been seen in the histories of the Soviet Union and China. Yet Marxism remains popular among those who shape our cultural, academic, and political lives and in the popular movements pushing equity and diversity.”
Speaking of equity and diversity, let us return to Concerned Swing Voter’s question: is Kamala Harris a Communist? Is “DEI” an anagram for “Die”? Well, Elon Musk seems to think so: “Kamala Harris is quite literally a communist,” he recently X-ed. “She wants not merely equal opportunity, but equal outcomes.” 6 Elon, of course, is one of the world’s wealthiest men, and he therefore cannot afford to be mistaken about who is and who is not a communist, because communists will kill him (and eat him!) at the first opportunity.
Kamala Harris has actually said, in public, these remarkable words: “We have the ability to see what can be, unburdened by what has been, and then to make the possible actually happen”. How much clearer could she be about her desire to fundamentally transform America, i.e., to turn it into an American Gulag? James Lindsay, who has selflessly made a career of exposing cultural Marxism, has plainly stated, “Kamala is a low-level Communist functionary, and I’m tired of being told we have to pretend she’s not.” 7
Make no mistake, Concerned Swing Voter: all these people who accuse Kamala and Tim Walz of being Communists cannot be lying, mistaken, deluded, or living in some bizarre right-wing thought bubble where anyone to the ideological left of Herbert Hoover is a Bolshevik—can they?
4 Stop the Nonsense: Justin Trudeau Is No Marxist (jacobin.com)
5 Marxism, Socialism, and Communism | Hillsdale College Online Courses
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