Long before James Lindsay and Helen Pluckrose arrived on the scene to warn us against the dangers of “cultural Marxism,” bow tie afficionado Roger Kimball had issued a series of indictments against academic radicalism and the pernicious influence of the Sixties. Having made a name for himself in 1990 with Tenured Radicals: How Politics Has Corrupted Our Higher Education, Kimball emblazoned his reputation a decade later with The Long March: How the Cultural Revolution of the 1960s Changed America. Mr. Kimball has since continued his tireless campaign against postmodern culture; his recent titles contain such telltale phrases as Culture and Anarchy, Age of Amnesia, Rape of the Masters, etc.
In “Americans Know What Time It Is,” however, an essay at American Greatness, Mr. Kimball is for once in an upbeat mood. 1 “There are many signs,” he crows, “including the announcement of the 1776 Commission, that the conscience of the country is awakening.” Kimball hails Donald Trump’s masterful negotiation of peace in the Middle East as proof that the president is by no means the doofus (“crude simpleton” is the term Kimball uses) that our misleaders on the Left would have us believe. Moreover, could a doofus compose and utter soaring rhetoric like this, the president’s introduction to his “1776 Commission”?
Our mission is to defend the legacy of America’s founding, the virtue of America’s heroes, and the nobility of the American character. We must clear away the twisted web of lies in our schools and classrooms, and teach our children the magnificent truth about our country. We want our sons and daughters to know that they are the citizens of the most exceptional nation in the history of the world.
What really puts the starch into Kimball’s bow tie, however, is the president’s denunciation of “critical race theory,” as Kimball explains:
Adducing the doctrine of critical race theory and some of its operational offshoots like the New York Times-sponsored “1619 Project,” Trump said:
“This is a Marxist doctrine holding that America is a wicked and racist nation, that even young children are complicit in oppression, and that our entire society must be radically transformed. Critical race theory is being forced into our children’s schools, it’s being imposed into workplace trainings, and it’s being deployed to rip apart friends, neighbors, and families.”
President Trump has obviously given the matter some thought, or at least taken a glance at his teleprompter. Kimball, on the other hand, has spent his entire career taking shots at the likes of “critical race theory” and its kindred (women’s studies, queer studies, black studies, etc.), and he could not be more thrilled that his cause is being championed from the Oval Office:
The journalist Christopher Rufo has exposed the astonishing inroads this doctrine has made into major institutions of the federal government—including the Department of the Treasury, Homeland Security, the FBI, and even the laboratories manufacturing the country’s nuclear arsenal. Take a peek: you’ll find a cadre of highly paid consultants running consciousness-raising workshops whose constant theme is the perfidiousness of American society, especially its free-market orientation and, most particularly, the white, male actors who have dominated its history.
I am not sure how much of an “expose” it is when the information uncovered is in plain sight and a matter of public record, but kudos in any case to Christopher Rufo for documenting the plague of consciousness-raising in our nation.
Kimball sees a new day dawning for American patriotism:
“For many years now,” Trump said, “the radicals have mistaken Americans’ silence for weakness.” The flagrant and malevolent nonsense of anti-American proselytizing in our schools, in the country’s corporate culture, even in major government institutions on the federal as well as the state and local level has been growing for years. But there are many signs, including the announcement of the 1776 Commission, that the conscience of the country is awakening. Here’s my prediction. The president’s 1776 Commission will represent not Trump’s “version of history” but history’s own transcript.
Historians will be thrilled to hear about the existence and availability of “history’s own transcript”. It will save them the trouble of doing research, of gathering and sifting facts, and of offering interpretations and drawing conclusions based on what they have found; instead, they can just consult the transcript!
While we wait for the “1776 Commission” to enlighten us, feel free to look into the “1619 Project” for yourself: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/08/14/magazine/1619-america-slavery.html Since Kimball mentions in passing that even the sacrosanct Smithsonian has been infected with the “critical race theory” virus, you might want to check that website as well: https://nmaahc.si.edu/learn/talking-about-race
Addendum: President Trump has just issued an honest to goodness “Make It So” order on this subject: https://publicpool.kinja.com/subject-executive-order-on-combating-race-and-sex-ster-1845147455
1 I do not know what the title of Kimball’s essay means—time for a change, perhaps? Time to chase the thieves from the temple? Howdy Doody time? Time to be born? Time to die? Time to buy a new bow tie? Your guess, reader, is as good as mine.
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