{The country seems to be in, or at least approaching, a 'state of exception,' and yesterday's Supreme Court ruling which granted our President plenipotentiary powers--i.e., put him or her above the law--has only made the situation worse. Pascal the existential Russian blue cat is so exercised about this (and it is not easy to get a cat to exercise) that he requested permission to post his usual Wednesday op-ed a day early; I have granted the request but kept ‘Wednesday’ in the title even though today is Tuesday.}
“Well, when the President does it, that means it is not illegal.” (Richard Nixon)
“The powers of the President will not be questioned.” (Stephen Miller)
“I have the Article Two privilege to do whatever I want.” (Donald Trump)
There is no need for me to comment on the latest ruling issued by the Supreme Court. I am but an existential Russian blue cat, whereas the greatest legal minds of our day have already weighed in with their, um, weighty opinions, which have ranged from (MSNBC) “WTF?” to (Fox News) “All hail the once and future king!” Some spoke of death squads and others of the death of democracy. Not a few hailed the ruling as “brilliant,” while one commentator opined that it represented “the unsouling of America,” despite the fact that “unsouling” is not a word or that nations have no souls (“souls,” whether individual or national, do not exist, but that is an issue for another time).
Led by Chief Justice John Roberts, SCOTUS today came out in favor of “bold and decisive action” (as opposed to “wise and thoughtful action”) on the part of our Chief Executive. Such action would undoubtedly be hindered by the possibility of legal repercussions; the President might hesitate to order the torture of suspected terrorists or to intimidate a state elections official into “finding” a certain number of votes. Just imagine, in the absence of absolute immunity, trying to shoot someone on Fifth Avenue!
Both Left and Right routinely complain, of course, when unelected judges rule against them, but their dismay is expressed in very different tones. On the Right, the usual outcry is for “Second Amendment remedies” and/or for civil war; on the Left, the lesson to be drawn is, to paraphrase Rachel Maddow, that Americans need to be very careful never to elect a sociopath for President.
Arguendo, as my good friend the Professor would say, the Court’s decision changes nothing. The American people—with their innate common sense, their basic decency, and their grasp of the salient facts—will return President Biden to office, where he can rest in peace continue his stalwart Presidency for another four years while the Grim Reaper Kamala Harris hovers anxiously over his shoulder.
I am not usually disposed to look for, much less to find, silver linings, but the good news here is that President Biden is now free to declare martial law, to cancel the November election, and to authorize Seal Team Six to conduct operations on American soil. We will have SCOTUS to thank when the tanks roll into Mar-a-Lago!
Don't blame me for this.
It was my cat's idea.
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