{A recent article by Nathan Robinson (at Current Affairs) called attention to a 2024 book (‘Unhumans’) by right-wing provocateurs Joshua Lisec and Jack Posobiec. ‘Unhumans’ is the kind of book you want to know about, but you don’t want to have to read—like, say, ‘Mein Kampf’. Alarmed by Robinson’s article, I took a (very) quick look at ‘Unhumans,’ and this is my reaction.}
According to the publisher’s blurb for Unhumans, America is in dire straits, and not the good kind with Mark Knopfler:
“The old rules are over. The old order is over. Accusations are evidence. Activism means bigotry and hate. Criminals are allowed to roam free. Citizens are locked up. An appetite for vengeance is unleashed—to deplatform, debank, destroy. This is the daily news, yet none of it’s new. Patterns from the past make sense of our present. They also foretell a terrifying future we might be condemned to endure.”
America in disarray! Cats and dogs living together! Litter boxes in the classrooms! 57 genders and nothing on! Mad Max on steroids! How did we get here and how can we escape? There must be some way out of here!
Let not your heart be troubled. Unhumans, by Joshua Lisec and Jack Posobiec, tells you everything you wanted to know about the menace that is communist revolutions, and about how to prevent them. After a rousing Preface by Steve Bannon (“Unhumans is a clarion call to every American citizen. Be aware. Understand this: The very survival of the American Republic is now on the shoulders of every American.”), Unhumans begins with this insightful quote:
“Communism is when ugly deformed freaks make it illegal to be normal then rob and/or kill all successful people out of petty resentment and cruelty. The ideology is all just window dressing.” (@MysteryGrove)
What follows might be termed a “Manichaean Manifesto”:
For as long as there have been beauty and truth, love and life, there have also been the ugly liars who hate and kill. This is the way of things in all things. There is light and there is dark. 1 Always has been. Always will be. Civilization is the superstructure built on law and order that keeps the petty, the resentful, and the cruel away from the rest of us. Some societies have been better at this than others. Those who fail at repelling the repulsive fall to unhumanity—to a state of affairs in which human thriving is impossible and surviving improbable.
It doesn’t matter what you call these the people of anti-civilization. They will change their name, shape, and form as needed and for their own purposes in their unique time and place. For the last couple centuries, we’ve known them as communists. Socialists, with extra steps. And of course, leftists. Radicals and revolutionaries as well. A hundred years ago, Marxist-Leninists, then more recently, Cultural Marxists. Even as, without irony and not as a joke, “progressives.”
For the purposes of this book, we will call them the unhumans. This is a book about unhumans, and this is what they do: With power, unhumans undo civilization itself. They undo order. They undo the basic bonds of society that make communities and nations possible. They destroy the human rights of life, liberty, and property—and undo their own humanity in the process by fully embracing nihilism, cynicism, and envy.
“Unhuman”—isn’t that harsh? Yes, and it also happens to be correct. By becoming consumed by nihilism, unhumans oppose everything that makes up humanity. As they are opposed to humanity itself, they place themselves outside of the category completely, in an entirely new misery-driven subdivision, the unhuman. They specifically reject the human rights of others. So if and when they get their way, they will unhuman you, too. They convert, and that which they cannot convert, they destroy. And they will call this evil, good.
Rarely has the process of dehumanizing one’s enemies been so literal.
Unhumans will appeal to fans of Jonah Goldberg’s Liberal Fascism and to devotees of the cinematic work of Dinesh D’Souza. Why is this vile nonsense worth our attention? Well, in this case, because it has been endorsed by our incoming Vice-President, J.D. Vance; because it bears the imprimatur of none other than Steve (“Stevie Three Shirts”) Bannon; because it is touted by cultural influencers like Tucker Carlson; and because its premises are accepted by Trump insiders like Michael Flynn and, worse, by Donald Trump Jr., the heir apparent. Each of those worthies was willing to provide words of praise for Unhumans; Bannon, as noted, even wrote a Preface for the volume. Here are samples of their enthusiasm:
“In the past, communists marched in the streets waving red flags. Today, they march through HR, college campuses, and courtrooms to wage lawfare against good, honest people. In Unhumans, Jack Posobiec and Joshua Lisec reveal their plans and show us what to do to fight back.” (J. D. Vance)
“Jack Posobiec sees the big picture and isn’t afraid to describe it. He’s been punished for that, but it makes him one of the rare people worth listening to.” (Tucker Carlson)
“The far Left murdered 100 million people in the twentieth century and have repeatedly shown that they will stop at nothing to achieve their totalitarian goals. They have torn down countless societies using a sophisticated playbook of propaganda. The only way to stop them in the future is to use their own subversive playbook against them. Unhumans reveals that playbook and teaches us how to deploy it immediately to save the West.” (Donald Trump, Jr.)
“We are now living through an era of irregular warfare. This is a gray-zone communist revolution by new means. Unhumans exposes their battle plans and offers a fifth-generation warfare system to fight back and win.” (Michael T. Flynn)
“Unhumans” simply refers to those Homo sapiens who seek nothing but destruction of human society, borne of grievance and misery and nihilism. Unquestionably, we are in a period of this unhuman ascension. Unhumans is a clarion call to every American citizen. Be aware. The authors argue that it is humanity itself currently under threat. Understand this: The very survival of the American Republic is now on the shoulders of every American. (Stephen K. Bannon)
I do not believe that Donald Trump himself poses any long-term threat to American democracy; as Leviathans go, he is remarkably cartoonish. However, the human barnacles who have attached themselves to him are a different matter entirely; they are carriers of noxious ideologies laced with various shades of bigotry, and their ideas and agendas are enough to send shivers down the spine of any decent citizen. To cite only one example, Wikipedia notes that “On February 22, 2024, Jack Posobiec, speaking at the Conservative Political Action Conference, welcomed the ‘end of democracy,’ adding that ‘We are here to overthrow it completely.’” Unhumans makes the case for doing so, offering George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Francisco Franco, and Augusto Pinochet as models of tough-minded statesmanship. In the hands of people like Steve Bannon, J.D. Vance, and Donald Trump Jr., books like Unhumans could be used to justify an entire basket of deplorable policies.
Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.
Nathan Robinson (Current Affairs): Trumpworld’s Favorite Writer Says The Right Must Emulate Dictators in Battling Leftist 'Unhumans'
Jack Posobiec and Joshua Lisec, Unhumans: The Secret History of Communist Revolutions (and How to Crush Them) Skyhorse Publishing, 2024
1 There is up, and there is down. There is in, and there is out. There is intelligent, and there is Unhumans.
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